Naming and re-naming ceremonies
The birth of a baby into a family is wonderful event full of hope and joy. Often the first gift a child receives is their name, giving an opportunity for family and friends to celebrate together.
Every culture and faith marks this moment in different ways, including of course individual family traditions.
You may have decided that a religious ceremony is not for you, either in whole or part.
As a professionally trained and qualified celebrant, I can support you is creating a unique naming ceremony where you can celebrate their birth and mark the beginning of their life journey.
Remember, not all celebrants are qualified!
What could be included?
Your choices are endless!
You can include music, poems, readings and stories.
You may wish to weave and combine blessings, prayers and customs that reflect your own heritage.
You may wish to invite particular family or friends to be included in the occasion by having them make promises to your child and become 'guide' or 'God' parents.
I will be able to help guide you in choosing the right format and prepare a beautiful ceremony that you can enjoy and remember for years to come.

What makes the ceremony special?
As well as being able to celebrate together, a naming ceremony gives the opportunity for combining history, traditions, cultures and faith in starting a person's life journey.
Often water or fire are used as symols of new life and there are rituals that focus on candles or water.
You may like to add a creative element by creating a collage of fingerprints of the guests and perhaps a sand blending ritual. These are a great ways of being able to include other siblings or to bring together a blended family.
You could create a memory box or a 'time-capsule' with various significant items or messages for your child when they are older.
Do you have another idea or ritual? I can work with you to include it within your ceremony.
You are only limited by your imagination!
Where can a naming ceremony take place?
You can choose a place that suits you and that you feel comfortable in.
You will need to think about the number of guests you are planning to invite and the space a venue has, and of course, the weather conditions.
Whether you choose your home or a scottish castle, your garden or a stately home, the ceremony is all about your child and welcoming them into the world.

Who is a naming ceremony for?
You! Its not just for babies!
There may be many reasons why you wish to have a naming ceremony and to celebrate with your family and friends.
A marriage may have blended two existing families together and you wish to choose a new family name or to welcome adopted children. You may have chosen to change your given name as a result of changing gender or identify as non-binary.
Whatever your reason for wishing to mark this with a ceremony, I would be delighted to help design the perfect one for you.